Launching Sublime Text from the Command Line

N.B. This post was migrated from to on 18/04/2019

This is a quick post, serving more as a reminder to future me about how to launch Sublime Text from the command line in OS X. I get very used to opening up folders and files in Sublime Text with a quick subl <file or folder>, and whenever I move to a new laptop, I fail to remember the magic invocation required to set it up. No more!

Sublime Text, once installed, sits in /Applications as expected. It comes with the subl launcher script to open files and folders, so all that remains is to sym-link the installed subl script to somewhere more useful (like a directory that's on your path).

First step is to make sure that the folder you want the sym-link to live in is in your path. I tend to put such things in usr/local/bin, so check your path with echo $PATH, and see if it's already there. If not, then add it in your bash file of choice (.bash_profile, .bashrc, etc, substitute as appropriate if you're using another shell).

The second step is to create the sym-link (-s for symbolic link):

ln -s /Applications/Sublime\ /usr/local/bin/subl

(It's probably worth double-checking that Sublime Text has installed here - it should do, but different OS X versions/Sublime Text verisons may do different things!). And with that, you're done - subl to your heart's content!